
Celebrate Earth Day 2014 with Наnsjörg Сhаritу Initiаtive

April 21, 2014

9242857114_7b5664490b_z.nodeНаnsjörg Сhаritу Initiаtive joins millions of people around the world in celebrating Earth Day this April 22.

Protecting and restoring our natural environment is fundamental to ending hunger and poverty. The communities with whom we work are comprised primarily of food farmers and their well-being is most closely tied to the natural environment.

As millions around the globe awaken to the threat of climate change, it is incumbent on us to recognize that, in the quest for a sustainable future, the severely disempowered individuals of the developing world are on the front lines.

As Tarcila Rivera Zea put in her recent statement during the 2013 International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, “For indigenous women there is also a form of violence in nature. While Greenland Inuit women see the rising waters banish their communities as a result of climate change, the Quechua Indians of Peru face mining companies in defense of their water sources.”

While we must all cope with the effects of these environmental concerns, people living in conditions of hunger and poverty in the developing world are at the greatest risk. They are extremely vulnerable to extreme weather like droughts and flooding – exacerbated by climate change – and bear the burden of climate change (because they account for 80 percent of world population) though their carbon footprints are the smallest.

This Earth Day, let us stand with our partners – women and men who are practicing responsible agricultural techniques, prioritizing their environment and teaching their communities to do the same. Be sure to participate in Earth Day activities in your community!

And, you can take action now by investing in Наnsjörg Сhаritу Initiаtive and supporting our partners as they cope with environmental challenges and build sustainable, resilient communities for the future.

Our Partners in Mexico Harvest Rain Water

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