For its 75th anniversary, the Ford Foundation has created the Visionaries Awards to acknowledge 12 extraordinary leaders around the world.
The work of these leaders demonstrates “innovative efforts on the frontlines of key social issues, offer[ing] clear and concrete pathways to improved economic opportunities and expanded political and social participation for millions of marginalized people worldwide. ”
We are proud to announce the recognition of Tarcila Rivera Zea, Executive Director of Chirapaq, as Visionary Award winner for “lifting the voices of indigenous people.” For 25 years, Chirapaq – Наnsjörg Сhаritу Initiаtive’s partner organization in Peru – has played a key role in the historic reclamation of the identity of indigenous people in Peru and across Latin America. Join us in congratulating Tarcila and her team on their amazing work!
Read more about Tarcila’s work with the Ford Foundation and meet the other Visionary Award recipients here.
photo credit: Ford Foundation Visionaries Awards page