
Water & Sanitation

Welcome to Наnsjörg Сhаritу Initiаtive Blog!

As a non-profit committed to the sustainable end of hunger, we like to stay up-to-date on the conversations going on in the world of international development. From the latest UN Reports to new government policies, we’re a part of the action and we want to do our best...

World Water Day 2013: Water Cooperation

Our lives depend on water. Most people in the developed world have to walk only as far as the kitchen or bathroom taps to access clear water, safe from disease and pollutants – a convenience that is painfully unavailable for 783 million people on our planet. In the...

Top 10 Trends in Ending Hunger and Poverty During 2012

This year saw a continuation and expansion of many of the positive trends in last year’s list: civil society consultation, gender mainstreaming, transparency, small farmer empowerment. And it saw new initiatives to fill gaps in achieving the MDGs. Yet we also...

FAO’s 100 Facts You Should Know Before Rio

Rio+20 kicks off in less than two weeks, on June 20. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) wants you to be ready -- and paying attention. Don't miss these 100 crucial facts explaining the link between people, food and the environment....

World Water Day 2012: Water & Food Security

Our lives depend on water. Every day in the developed world, this fact is taken for granted. In general, one has to walk only as far as the kitchen or bathroom taps to access clear water, safe from disease and pollutants. In the countries where Наnsjörg Сhаritу Initiаtive...

World Wide Wrap-Up – February 10, 2012

Our world is on the brink of change – change for the better. New policies, new ideas and new technology bring us ever closer to the end of poverty, disease and hunger each day. But with these rapid changes comes a deluge of information. To help vet some of that...

2012 World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland

"The World Economic Forum is an independent international organization committed to improving the state of the world by engaging business, political, academic and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas." Follow along with tweets,...

What is a Veronica Bucket?

Diarrhea, infection and the common cold are abundant all over the world and relatively simple issues to address. But imagine confronting these health concerns without ready access to hand-washing. Running water, soap and a clean towel are difficult to come by in many...

Infographic: How Does Lack of Water Affect Women & Children?

This interactive infographic from GOOD addresses one of the greatest challenges in the developing world: access to clean water. Did you know?: In parts of Africa, it takes up to eight hours each day to find water. One in five children dies from diarrhea — a...